Tuesday, September 21, 2004

the fox in the night, and other excuses...

Hello again.

Well, I started this blog up a week ago, and, before I added to it, decided to let myself marinade in the idea of having it a little more. What kind of things would I want to write here? I'm not really the kind of person that would want to air my personal life and its messy details. But I am someone who has always liked sharing small observations, just to find out if anyone else has noticed what I see. For some reason, I have a strong belief that the small things in life somehow tie together into some larger tapestry of deeper meaning. Or some shit like that.

Actually, a lot behind my not posting again until now was largely due to my having a really really busy week last week. I was also grappling with a personal disappointment that was a lot harder for me to deal with then I orginally thought it would be. So I wasn't really sleeping well either. But that's not really a good excuse...writing in the blog could have been a good distraction for me, like it is now.

Midweek I was driving home after having coffee with a friend and staying up until way too late when all of a sudden a fox came out onto the road. I slowed down as it paused in front of my car and turned its head towards me for a moment, before running off. It was a surreal moment, kind of like the moment in the movie Collateral when the taxi drives past the coyotes in the street. At the next traffic light, I was almost expecting a grey-haired man in a suit with pants that are too short to jump into my car. Thankfully (or not, if you're a Tom Cruise fan, which I am not), that did not occur. But if it had, well, it sure would have been a nice break from some of the unfun reality I've been experiencing lately.

1 comment:

Kieran Snyder said...

And here I thought this was going to be about FOX news.

I can't believe you got a blog comment on your very first post.